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Embrace the spirit of Ramadan with reflection, gratitude, and togetherness.
April 23, 2024 | Admin
In addition to movies, the horror genre in gaming also boasts a significant following across gaming consoles. From PCs to next-gen gaming consoles, horror genre games often enjoy popularity among gamers. With its advanced graphical features, the PlayStation 5 console enhances the chilling experience of playing horror games even further. Explore the list of the best horror games available on PlayStation 5 below—dare to play?
Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and other social media platforms are the most widely used social media around the world. However, were you aware that in Russia and the CIS countries, there are other social media platforms that serve as substitutes or alternatives to the ones I mentioned earlier?
The music video for ‘Shelter,’ created by A-1 Pictures, presents a song by Porter Robinson with a touching story that can bring tears to your eyes. What’s it like?
The purpose of human life according to Islam can be seen in the verses found in the Quran and Hadith. In the Quran, it is explained that indeed, humans are created by Allah from the essence of the earth, which is then turned into a drop of fluid and stored in a secure place. That drop of fluid is then formed into a clot, which later becomes bones. These bones are then covered with flesh, which eventually becomes a living being.
In Russia, there are unique names for mosques, such as the cathedral mosque. Have you ever heard the term ‘cathedral’? When you hear that name, you probably immediately think of Christian places of worship or churches. Now, you might be curious as to why the term cathedral is used for mosques in Russia. Let’s delve into this article.
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