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Spotlight on Indonesian Cosplayers You Should Know About

Profiles of notable Indonesian cosplayers highlighting their achievements, creative journeys, gaming, content creation, and influence in pop culture.
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    Linnichi cosplayed as Kaonashi from Spirited Away.

    Cosplay, derived from the words ‘costume’ and ‘play,’ refers to the activity of dressing up, applying makeup, and portraying fictional characters from anime, manga, video games, or movies. Individuals who engage in this practice are commonly known as cosplayers.

    In Indonesia, cosplay began to gain recognition around 1998. However, it has significantly grown in popularity in recent years, with events now attracting thousands of attendees dressed in a variety of costumes that showcase their imagination and creativity.

    In 2012, Indonesian cosplayers achieved international acclaim by securing third place at the World Cosplay Summit (WCS) held in Nagoya, Japan. They repeated this achievement in 2014, marking a proud moment for Indonesia on the global stage.

    Here are some notable Indonesian cosplayers to follow on social media:


    An Indonesian cosplayer and content creator, Linnichi recently garnered public attention after announcing her reversion to Islam. Following a profound spiritual journey, she openly shared her experiences and how this life-changing decision impacted her. On social media, she frequently posts positive and religious messages as a devout Muslim, inspiring her followers with her transformation.

    Clarissa Punipun

    Clarissa Punipun

    Known as Punipun, this cosplayer is also a visionomist who actively participates in various cosplay events domestically and internationally. Born in 1992, Punipun has won numerous competitions, including Kurate Gakuen Moe Ambassador (Fukuoka, Japan), Top 10 Finalist of NHK Japan Kawaii International 2019, Lawson Indonesia Official Mascot, and Akikoloid-chan at Ennichisai 2013, among others.

    Aam Amanah

    Aam Amanah

    Popularly known as KameAam, she has been cosplaying since 2015 and is also a content creator and avid gamer. Her followers admire her multifaceted skills, especially her impressive makeup and costumes. Born in Pemalang in 1995, she’s journey in cosplay began with her love for anime and manga, which continues to fuel her passion.

    Matcha Mei

    Matcha Mei

    The name Matcha Mei reflects her creativity, combining her given name, Mei, with inspiration from her portrayal of Vocaloid’s Meiko, known for her matcha-themed costume. Aside from cosplaying, Matcha Mei is an enthusiastic gamer who enjoys PUBG Mobile and Genshin Impact. She often livestreams her gaming sessions on YouTube, engaging with her fans.

    Larissa Rochefort

    Larissa Rochefort

    Larissa Rochefort gained prominence for her stunning renditions of characters like Mercy from Overwatch and Yorha 2B from NieR: Automata. An international cosplayer, she has also become a brand ambassador for NXL, a leading Indonesian esports team, further solidifying her reputation.

    Donna Visca

    Donna Visca

    Donna Visca, a talented caster and cosplayer, began her cosplay career before transitioning to hosting esports tournaments. A graduate of the London School of Public Relations with a degree in International Relations, she seamlessly balances her professional success with her educational priorities.

    Franzeska Edelyn

    Franzeska Edelyn

    Known as Edelyn, she is a prominent influencer, professional cosplayer, gamer, content creator, and entrepreneur. Starting her cosplay career in 2009, she also runs a gaming café in Jakarta and creates song covers on her YouTube channel. Her versatility and dedication have earned her a significant following.

    Kimi Hime

    Kimi Hime

    Kimberly Khoe, better known as Kimi Hime, is a popular YouTuber specializing in gaming content. While her gaming videos are widely recognized, Kimi Hime is also an accomplished cosplayer, showcasing her versatility and creativity.

    Rainy Riry

    Rainy Riry

    A skilled cosplayer and illustrator, Rainy Riry combines her artistic talents with her passion for cosplay. She recently gained attention for cosplaying as a waifu character from Hoyoverse games, earning admiration from fans.

    Billa Barbie

    Billa Barbie

    Initially known for her Barbie-like appearance, Billa Barbie gained fame in 2016 as a cosplayer and social media influencer. Though she has stepped back from the spotlight, she remains active on social media, sharing her daily activities on her YouTube channel, Billa Barbie.

    Mayumi Reena

    Mayumi Reena

    Mayumi Reena is an Indonesian cosplayer who has represented the nation on international stages, such as the Tokyo Game Show in 2018. She began cosplaying in 2014 after attending a Japanese-themed event in Indonesia. Despite challenges, including unwanted attention, she values the friendships and experiences gained through her cosplay journey.


    A talented newcomer, Kitsunee started cosplaying in early 2022 after being encouraged by her friends. Her debut as Katheryne from Genshin Impact drew significant attention, and her cosplay of Komi-san from Komi Can’t Communicate was even featured by Spanish media. Kitsunee is now planning more unique projects, including a cosplay of the viral Mixue mascot.

    Trisha Morow

    Trisha Morow

    Trisha Morow, an anime enthusiast since childhood, began her cosplay career by recreating characters from Aikatsu!. Today, she combines her passion for cosplay with content creation on HaluApp, sharing her creativity with a growing audience.



    Azula-Chan, a cosplayer and gamer, started her journey in 2017 out of her love for anime. She gained recognition by participating in cosplay competitions, such as Mobile Legends’ cosplay video contest in 2020. Azula appreciates the financial opportunities and friendships that cosplay has brought into her life, alongside her dedication to the art.

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    A dedicated web developer since 2013 (full-stack). A man with many interests.
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      1. Okay, doing a bit of debugging won’t contradict my earlier decision, right? Honestly, I’m feeling restless during my free time—I don’t have anything productive to do, and simply staying idle doesn’t feel like the answer. If every second is an opportunity to grow and create something, why am I letting this time slip away?|4gone|やまだはなこ|4gone||Stray Nights|Tom Frane|Don’t Fall In Love With The Moment||sedatives|demotapes|with friends|
        1. I feel so indecisive. My thoughts are all over the place, which brings me back to my earlier about taking a break from programming. It seems like I can’t stop overthinking unless I’m asleep.
        2. Test 🙄
        3. [RT:4675573449547039912][GEO:Indonesia]Test 🤔
        4. Andy Bennison
          This comment has been removed by the author.
      2. It’s a shame that adding attachments to comments, aside from the admin, just messes up the HTML structure of this page 😭...
        1. This is weird. Should I change how attachments with certain characters are recognized by the script 🥲?

        2. [RT:8901208887056183448]By the way, all the comments I’ve written here have nothing to do with the related article.
        3. There’s still a bug...
        4. I created some different accounts 😁 to test if the function would work as expected when it’s not accessed by an admin 😴.
        5. [RT:8901208887056183448]
          It’s working 😃
        6. [RT:7629281193322922882]Always random...
        7. [PIN:8518917039560598643]
          I’m done 👋🏻
        8. Well, visitors can attach at least one attachment (which is safer) in a comment. If they attach more than one, it might mess up the HTML structure.
        9. [DIS:THR]Test 🙄
        10. [RT:4456003086796665437] 🫤
        11. [RT:1073830383256210652]Mmm 🤔
        12. [RT:1073830383256210652]What’s wrong here 😤
      3. Is this even legal? Because this is only running on the client side. It’s not like I’m exploiting a system vulnerability to bypass its core functions. The special characters are just being processed on the client side. I’m not manipulating the system from within or doing reverse engineering—just thinking outside the box.
      4. I haven’t adjusted the layout for the desktop version yet, so this is how it looks on a phone:
      5. Test as anonymous
      6. Natsukaze
        This comment has been removed by the author.
      7. SF Pro Display Bold|WOFF2|96KB|
      8. [DIS:THR] 🤔
      9. Test
      10. Test
        1. Test

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        In addition to movies, the horror genre in gaming also boasts a significant following across gaming consoles. From PCs to next-gen gaming consoles, horror genre games often enjoy popularity among gamers. With its advanced graphical features, the PlayStation 5 console enhances the chilling experience of playing horror games even further. Explore the list of the best horror games available on PlayStation 5 below—dare to play?

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