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List of Beautiful Mosques in Russia and Why They are Called Cathedrals

Monumental mosque structures are considered equivalent to cathedrals in terms of architectural design and their significance in cultural heritage.
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    Moscow Cathedral Mosque

    In Russia, there are unique names for mosques, such as the cathedral mosque. Have you ever heard the term ‘cathedral’? When you hear that name, you probably immediately think of Christian places of worship or churches. Now, you might be curious as to why the term cathedral is used for mosques in Russia. Let’s delve into this article.

    Therefore, the name cathedral is commonly used to refer to a large mosque due to the cultural influence of the Russian Orthodox Christian community, who are accustomed to using the term for their grand churches. As a result, these significant mosques in Russia are also referred to as cathedral mosques. In some cases, monumental mosque structures are considered equivalent to cathedrals in terms of architectural design and their significance in cultural heritage.

    And here’s a list of mosques with beautiful architecture in Russia.

    Moscow Cathedral Mosque

    Moscow Cathedral Mosque (4)
    Moscow Cathedral Mosque (3)
    Moscow Cathedral Mosque (2)
    Moscow Cathedral Mosque (1)

    The city of Moscow, which serves as the capital of Russia, is home to a beautiful and majestic mosque called the Cathedral Mosque of Moscow.

    The Cathedral Mosque of Moscow is the main mosque in Russia, built in 1904 according to the design by architect Nikolay Zhukov. If you’re interested in visiting this mosque, you can go to Prospekt Mira Street. The mosque serves as the Grand Mosque in the city of Moscow and is located adjacent to the Olympic Indoor Stadium in the city center, the capital of the Russian Federation. The nearby stadium was also used during the 1980 Moscow Olympics. According to the ejournal from Unsrat, the entire construction cost of the mosque was covered by a Muslim merchant in Moscow named Saleh Yusupovich Erzi.

    St. Petersburg Cathedral Mosque

    St. Petersburg Cathedral Mosque

    The Blue Mosque or St. Petersburg Cathedral Mosque, is located in the city of St. Petersburg, which is the second-largest city in Russia. It’s named the Blue Mosque due to its blue-colored domes. Construction of the mosque began in 1910 and it was officially opened in 1913.

    Previously, it was very difficult to obtain permission to build Islamic places of worship in the capital of the Russian Empire. The ruler of Russia at that time, Tsar Nicholas II, finally granted permission for the construction of this mosque in 1907 as a recognition of the contributions made by the Muslim community in the development of St. Petersburg.

    The Blue Mosque was constructed by imitating the architecture of Gur-e-Amir, the mausoleum of Timur the Great in Samarkand. The mosque features a tower reaching a height of 49 meters, a dome standing at 39 meters, and it can accommodate up to five thousand worshippers. At the time of its construction, the estimated Muslim population in St. Petersburg was around 8,000 people. The front facade of the mosque combines oriental ornaments and turquoise blue mosaic. The mosque’s walls are made of gray granite stone, and its domes and minarets are adorned with sky blue ceramic mosaic tiles.

    Kazan Cathedral Mosque

    Kazan Cathedral Mosque (3)
    Kazan Cathedral Mosque (4)
    Kazan Cathedral Mosque (1)

    Qul Sharif, also known as the Kazan Cathedral Mosque, is a beautiful mosque with an extraordinary and unconventional style located in Kazan, Republic of Tatarstan, Russia. With its stunning architecture, resembling a magnificent palace, this place has become a favorite destination for religious tourism and a popular photo spot for tourists. Qul Sharif Mosque also holds the distinction of being the largest mosque in Russia and Eastern Europe.

    This mosque had actually been destroyed in the past, and only the remnants of its building remained. However, the local government undertook a meticulous reconstruction effort, and eventually, the mosque stood magnificently once again in the heart of Kazan, the capital of the Republic of Tatarstan, in the Russian Federation.

    Qul Sharif Mosque has become a legendary symbol for over four centuries, harking back to the time when the Kazan Khanate’s Islamic Empire flourished in the Tatarstan region.

    Bulgarian Cathedral Mosque

    Bulgarian Cathedral Mosque

    The Bulgarian Cathedral Mosque was constructed in the 13th century, during the reign of the Golden Horde. It was built on a hill using white limestone walls adorned with intricate carved ornaments. The grand structure, firmly established on a robust foundation, could be seen from a distance and was reinforced with buttresses and sturdy oak piles. The mosque was designed to inspire awe and showcase the magnificence of Islam.

    Over time, the sacred building faced multiple destructions but was rebuilt twice. In the 14th century, stone flooring replaced the original wooden flooring, and multi-sided defensive towers were added. Throughout its existence, the architectural appearance of the mosque intricately blended elements from Eastern, Crimean, and Transcaucasian architectural traditions, creating a captivating fusion.

    Nizhnekamsk Cathedral Mosque

    Nizhnekamsk Cathedral Mosque

    The cathedral mosque is located in the center of Nizhnekamsk, Tatarstan, Russia. It was first opened in 1996. According to the official tourism website of the local government, the Nizhnekamsk Cathedral Mosque was inaugurated to coincide with the city’s 30th anniversary celebration.

    Nearly half of Nizhnekamsk’s population consists of Muslims from the Tatar ethnic group. The existence of this mosque isn’t only a source of pride for them but also represents the diverse national identity of Russia.

    Nizhnekamsk Cathedral Mosque

    When viewed from above, the Nizhnekamsk Grand Mosque takes the shape of the letter ‘X,’ with tall towers at each end. Three of the towers reach a height of 66 meters, while the other tower stands at 71 meters.

    The slightly taller tower stands above the madrasah building, which is part of the same complex as the Nizhnekamsk Cathedral Mosque. In addition to the madrasah, there are also public facilities such as a library and accommodations typically provided for mosque guests.

    The Nizhnekamsk Cathedral Mosque consists of three floors, including a basement. The main prayer hall covers an area of approximately 900 square meters. Overall, the mosque can accommodate around a thousand worshippers.

    Maykop Cathedral Mosque

    Maykop Cathedral Mosque

    The Maykop Cathedral Mosque, better known as the Central Mosque of Maykop, is a historical mosque complex located in the city of Maykop, Republic of Adygea, Russia. The mosque was initially built in 1999, funded privately by Khalid bin Saqr al-Qasimi, the former Crown Prince of the Emirate of Ras al-Khaimah in the United Arab Emirates, with the approval of the first President of the Republic of Adygea. The construction of the mosque took 18 months and it was officially inaugurated on November 2, 2000.

    Samara Cathedral Mosque

    Samara Cathedral Mosque

    The Samara Cathedral Mosque is a mosque located in the city of Samara, Samara Oblast, and is one of the largest mosques in Russia. It was built in the late 1990s using red bricks. The main dome has a diameter of 13.5 meters, and the minaret soars to a height of 67 meters. The building was designed by Rasim Valshin, an architect from Samara. There is an apple garden near the walls of the mosque. It shouldn’t be confused with the pre-revolutionary mosque that was built in 1891.

    First Cathedral Mosque of Ufa

    First Cathedral Mosque of Ufa

    The First Cathedral Mosque of Ufa is one of the main mosques in Bashkortostan. Since its opening in 1830, it was the predominant Muslim shrine in Russia for a long time. The mosque building is a historical and architectural monument of the 19th century, representing a cultural heritage site of Russia. The mosque has been in operation since its foundation and played a significant role during the years of the Great Patriotic War (World War II).

    Сherkessk Cathedral Mosque

    Cherkessk Cathedral Mosque

    One of the main attractions of the city of Cherkessk is the Cathedral Mosque. The foundation of the future mosque was laid in the autumn of 2007, and active construction work began in April 2011. The mosque is being built with funds collected from sponsors, including both legal entities and individuals, with the active participation of the head of the Karachay-Cherkess Republic, R. Temrezov.

    According to the project plan, the mosque and its adjacent galleries will have thirty-three domes and semi-domes. The domes were ordered and made by craftsmen from Volgodonsk. It took twenty oversized trucks to transport them.

    The Cathedral Mosque has a height of 32 meters. The building, with a total area of 4,200 square meters, can accommodate approximately 5,000 worshipers at a time. Built in a Byzantine style, the mosque will be adorned with four minarets, each measuring 52 meters in height. With 220 windows arranged on three levels, the mosque is spacious and filled with natural light.

    Tolyatti Cathedral Mosque

    Tolyatti Cathedral Mosque

    The land for the construction of the Tolyatti Cathedral Mosque was allocated by the city administration in 1993 in the private sector of the Central District of Tolyatti. The construction of the mosque began in 1994, and in 1996, the completion of its first phase was finished. The main inspiration behind the construction of the mosque was Chairman of the Council of Elders, Kharis Kharisovich Diniulov, in whose honor the mosque was named, along with members of his family. The grand opening of the first phase of the Cathedral Mosque took place in February 1997.

    On October 20, 2003, the construction of the second phase of the mosque was initiated, as the existing building could not accommodate all the visitors during Muslim holidays. The new building was two-story with minarets measuring 38 meters in height. It was designed to accommodate 300 visitors. The prayer halls are located on the ground and basement floors, while the second floor houses facilities for women, classrooms, and ablution rooms.

    During the opening of the second phase of the mosque on December 10, 2007, prominent figures in attendance included the Mufti of Muslims in Russia, Talgat Tadzhuddin, the Mufti of the Samara Region, Vagis Khadrad, the head of the Central District of Tolyatti, Sergey Krymtsev, as well as ordinary residents of Tolyatti and guests from neighboring regions and countries.

    Russia is home to a remarkable collection of beautiful mosques that are often referred to as cathedrals. These architectural wonders not only showcase the rich Islamic heritage and cultural diversity of the country but also stand as symbols of spiritual significance and community pride. From the iconic Kazan Cathedral Mosque to the Moscow Cathedral Mosque, each of these mosques represents a unique blend of historical, artistic, and religious elements. Whether it’s the intricate designs, towering minarets, or stunning domes, these mosques captivate visitors with their awe-inspiring beauty. As they continue to serve as places of worship and cultural landmarks, these magnificent structures will undoubtedly leave a lasting impression on all who have the privilege of witnessing their grandeur.

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